28nm Mixed-Signal design and digital-on-top implementation Workshop
Upcoming event
6th 28 nm Mixed-Signal Design Workshop
On-site at CERN
Registrations are closed. You can join the waiting list for the next event.
Workshop description
5-day Analog, Digital and Mixed-Signal design workshop in TSMC 28 nm.
Workshop program
MODULE 1: Introduction to 28 nm technology
- Technology Overview
- Overview of the 28nm common design platform
- Total Ionizing Dose response of the 28nm technology
- Guidelines for designing in 28nm - analog
- Guidelines for designing in 28nm - digital
- Single event effects hardening in digital design
MODULE 2: Analog design best practices for 28nm
- Analog simulation with Cadence Explorer and Assembler
- Analog Backend – layout best practices in 28nm
- DRC, LVS and Extraction
MODULE 3: Preparing an analog IPs for digital-on-top design
- Mixed-signal simulation analog-on-top
- Mixed-signal simulation digital-on-top (in Xcelium)
- IP block characterization: abstract view generation
- IP block characterization: Timing models (.lib files)
MODULE 4: Digital physical design in 28nm
- Digital-on-top flow introduction
- Timing constraints
- Radiation-tolerant techniques for SEE protection
- Synthesis
- Logic Equivalence Checking
- Placement and clock-tree synthesis
- routing routing and optmization
- Timing analysis
- Gate-level Simulation
MODULE 5: Hierarchical digital-on-top design and signoff
- Top-levelconstraints and synthesis
- Top-level floorplan and power planning
- Design partitioning
- Hierarchical implementation
- Sign-off power analysis in Voltus
- Sign-off timing analysis
- Sign-off DRC and LVS
Past events
Check our history of Workshops and their agenda. Already 90+ designers have taken part!